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- May 16, 1941
- An application for the establishment of our predecessor, the Toa Society of Transportation, was submitted.
- June 16, 1941
- Permission to establish the Society was granted.
- December 8, 1941
- Inaugural meeting of the Toa Society of Transportation
- February 5, 1946
- An application for the modification of the Articles of Endowment was submitted.
- March 25, 1946
- Modification of the Articles of Endowment was granted.
(The organization was renamed “The Japan Society of Transportation Economics” and re-inaugurated as a private organization without juridical personality.)
- May 14, 1946
- The Institute of Transportation Economics was inaugurated (following the completion of registration formalities on May 13, 1946)
- July 1, 1947
- Inauguration of the journal “Monthly Report on Transportation Research” (renamed “Transportation and Economics” in July 1948.)
- August 1, 2011
- With the reform of the system for public interest corporation, the reorganization into a general incorporated foundation was requested.
- March 21, 2012
- The reorganization into a general incorporated foundation was permitted.
- April 1, 2012
- The Institute of Transportation Economics was reorganized into a general incorporated foundation (following the completion of registration formalities.)
- May 14, 2016
- The 70th anniversary of the foundation